Announcing the Dark Eras new World of Darkness Kickstarter!

Today, I am pleased to announce that my work is featured in a role-playing game supplement for Onyx Path Publishing. The book, which has been put together by senior developer Matt McFarland, is called Dark Eras. The full, unedited text for this book is available on the Kickstarter page. The Dark Eras Kickstarter is for a prestige edition of the book for fans and retailers. Stretch goals will include fan-voted new material; if we get to that point and you like Hunter, don’t forget to vote!

Here’s what the Dark Eras Kickstarter describes this book as:

Dark Eras starts out presenting a chapter for each of nine historical eras; one for each of the New World of Darkness game lines. The sections are written for the currently available edition of the game line, but they are designed to be usable with any edition.

Hunter the Vigil Doubting Souls

Hunter: the Vigil — Doubting Souls (1690-1695): Immigrants and tribes struggle to co-exist on the eastern seaboard in the ever-expanding North American Colonies. Violent clashes, supernatural beliefs, and demonic influences spell disaster for Salem Village and its surrounding towns, while other Hunters fight werewolves and vampires on the frontier. With so much at risk, only god-fearing men and women are deemed innocent — and those are few indeed. Monica Valentinelli writer & Matt McElroy developer.

I was going to dive into a long design essay about the project, but to be perfectly honest I have no idea where to begin talking about our work. The text is fully available so you can read it for yourself and, like always, we took our inspiration from other Hunter supplements, like our expansion of the Scarlet Watch and ties to the Knights of Saint George. So instead, I turn to you. Ask your questions in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to answer them!

Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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