My Nomination for a Stand-Alone Female Superhero Movie

Last time I talked about how superhero films seem to fall flat whenever a heroine is at the helm, and I listed a bunch of reasons why. Today, I’d like to talk about which superheroine I’d nominate for a standalone film, one who could be introduced in an ensemble film.

I nominate… SHE-HULK!

Here’s all the reasons why I’d love to see her featured in her own movie.

1) We don’t need to have a full movie focused on her origin story. I say, “Well, she’s the Hulk’s cousin and got her powers from a blood transfusion.” If you know who The Hulk is, then you know who She-Hulk is.

2) Her alter-ego, Jennifer Walters, is a lawyer. Walters is an attorney who often works with other superheroes in matters of law. Having this kind of a job makes her character extremely flexible for a screenwriter to play around with. She can be on or off camera for a trial, which offers her the ability to be part of an ensemble cast or featured as the primary character in a story arc. The benefit to this job, is that her character can also fit our time period and be painted in a way we can better relate to.

3) She-Hulk has a reason for being strong. Due to her physiological nature, She-Hulk is expected to have superhuman strength, agility, speed, stamina and reflexes. We don’t have to get some overblown justification as to why she’s strong. Anyone who knows what the Hulk can do would hope to see She-Hulk lifting cars and throwing bad guys.

4) She-Hulk is an iconic character. Whether you paint her as a modern day Jekyll and Hyde or as a supercharged Bionic Woman, She-Hulk is an iconic character that resonates through and through.

5) Introduce She-Hulk in The Avengers! She-Hulk is a character that’s been introduced in several ensemble cast movies. To build up her fan base, introduce her in the upcoming Avengers movie or one of the superhero stand-alone films. There’s plenty of options available, so I think she’d make an excellent choice.

What do you think? Which female superhero would you like to see in her own movie? On Twitter and Facebook, some people mentioned Zatanna and others Power Girl. I can see why those might be good choices.

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